UM Media Scoop: 13th May 2022

Why is this important?

Google said its advertisers see 2x more conversions, on average, when adding a responsive display ad to an ad group with a static display ad. This additional image size and vertical video support should allow advertisers to deliver more specific messaging by device.

Why is this important?

Specific content areas will be a focus include City of London, Future of British Business, Politics & Policy, Culture, Green, Equality, and Wealth. There will also be more UK content on Bloomberg TV, the publication’s news channel, including a special programme on Bloomberg UK’s new scorecard on “levelling up” as well as a new weekly Bloomberg Quicktake series which profiles British CEOs and entrepreneurs.

Why is this important?

For now, only creators with over 100,000 followers will be eligible, however, this will likely change over time and TikTok has confirmed that revenue will be shared with the creators involved. Short-form video is the fastest growing medium on social media and for the most part, TikTok has led the way in this surge of popularity over the past few years.