UM Media Scoop: 14th April 2022

Why is this important?

Modern social apps are constantly striving for improved accessibility on their platforms, as it allows a broader range of people to access their content and in turn accommodates those who may not have previously been able to use their apps properly. Any step towards improved accessibility is likely a positive one, and with over 70 million deaf people worldwide this seemingly small addition to the app could have a large impact on many users’ ability to effectively use the app.

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Why is this important?

Audiences are also beginning to travel more widely than they have been for the last two years, with positive impacts across different OOH formats. This is the first 'post-pandemic' public holiday and between the high levels of vaccine uptake and the boosters working, there is an attitude of wanting to get back to normality. There is also a continued desire to be together with loved ones or have a break while children are on holiday and possibly a change of scenery.

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Why is this important?

Typically these dashboards only show data from individual accounts. By using the dashboard with the new updates, advertisers should be able to see potential issues or opportunities easier, across multiple accounts. This will mean marketers can see a higher level view of Google Ads performance, cost and other key metrics.

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