UM Media Scoop: 19th August 2022

Why is this important?

The Sky Footprint Fund is used to enhance TV advertising for businesses that are driving sustainable change and amplify their businesses. The fund rewards the media value only to brands that deliver on the message that “sustainable can be attainable” and enables them to use the power of TV advertising to drive positive change in sustainability.

Why is this important?

This new feature means that young people will be much safer online. The aim of the Family Center is to help parents understand how their children are engaging in the app, without overstepping privacy grounds. In addition, this valuable update will also be a way for Snapchat to boost it’s active user counts.

Why is this important?

Apple’s motives for a new ad platform may have been more transparent than they let on. “Apple didn’t update iOS to ‘help protect users.’ Apple collects all the info they block on Facebook, Apple is about to get into the ad platform game once again and this is yet another reason for people to flock to a better ad platform.” An Apple ads expansion could open up a lot more, potentially cheaper, advertising opportunities.