UM Media Scoop: 26th May 2022

Why is this important?

The original idea for the “live portrait” was informed by behavioural science, people’s engagement with and retention of an image are enhanced by live images and less accompanying information. The technology behind the campaign paves the way for more dynamic ads and hopes that the increased engagement will lead to more missing persons being found safely.

Why is this important?

In short, the five key rules are: Surf smart, keep it all in the family, catch the right fish (phishing), leave no trace, and finally, play, watch, and learn together. With the increased time that kids spend online these days, especially on apps such as TikTok, cyber safety is naturally going to be a concern for many parents. That is why these kinds of initiatives are important, to help people learn and be properly informed about the dangers they may face online as well as being prepared to safely deal with them.

Why is this important?

A bigger, bolder ad type that is mixed with organic results will help all retailers. The ability to swipe for more information adds a level of interactivity and the combo of organic plus ads should help keep searchers engaged and active. This should be a welcomed improvement and will hopefully move to more verticals in the future.