UM Media Scoop: 28th October 2022

Why is this important?

Since Google’s announcement of My Ad Centre in May, users have been waiting for it to roll out globally. With the sunsetting of cookies in 2024, the new privacy features give users their best chance at privacy and having a say in the ads they are served. Additionally, the new features could be a benefit to advertisers as well since users who take advantage of My Ad Centre will have access to the brands and ads they are most interested in.

Why is this important?

This change in brand positioning represents BA shifting the focus onto people over planes. The campaign shines a light on all of the original reasons that people fly with the intention that, going forward, every interaction with the brand feels as original as each of the hundreds of original executions that have been produced for the launch.

Why is this important?

LinkedIn is widely known as being a work-based social media platform, with it largely being used by professionals and those offering/seeking employment opportunities. The inclusion of new accessibility features helps both the site itself and the opportunities available on there to become more accessible to a wider range of applicants and is undoubtedly a step in the right direction in regards to inclusivity in and around the workplace.